Buku Ke-2 Teacher Syeri Telahpun Dilancarkan

, Buku Ke-2 Teacher Syeri Telahpun Dilancarkan, Teacher Syeri's Blog

Buku Ke-2 Teacher Syeri Telahpun Dilancarkan? Ya, benar. Buku saya yang kedua baru sahaja dilancarkan dalam versi e-book dan bakal menyusul sudah tentulah printed version. Buat masa sekarang, hanya pre-order sahaja yang ada untuk printed version. Klik di sini untuk membuat tempahan awal. Sekiranya anda berminat untuk terus mendapatkan versi e-book, sila buat tempahan anda di sini.

Buku ini mempunyai 305 muka surat dan mengisahkan pelbagai sebab-sebab yang dikenalpasti dari mata si anak kecil mengapa si ibu tirinya sering menangis. Kisah ini amat relevan untuk semua lapisan umur pembaca dan amat disyorkan kepada anak-anak kecil supaya menjadi asas refleksi kepada mereka tentang perasaan si ibu.

Di sini saya sertakan synopsis dari kulit belakang buku supaya anda lebih mendalami cerita sebenarnya. Wallahualam, selamat membaca.

How many times have we made our mothers cry?

Why Did My Mummy Cry? Is a story of a toddler who observes her step-mother crying on daily basis. Written from the toddler’s point-of view, the writer reveals 200 reasons why a mother cries. The reasons are presented in a form of collection rationalised by a child who made assumptions about them. The writer makes a few plot twists when she explains some of the things that may trigger readers to question the reasons. In other forms, the writer also presents some real-life situations when she presents reasons that are irrational for an adult to cry. Here, the reasons are lightened with wit and jokes. A strong love for a mother is also embedded throughout the whole book making this book relevant to all age groups to read. The writer makes a daring move by leaving empty space in all the pages where the reasons are presented making it possible to everyone to give a picture of their own as the read them. This book makes a good ending when the writer finally emphasise that even a flawed family made by divorce and separation deserves happiness.

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