5 Ways How Your Learning Objectives Can Be Written Better

, 5 Ways How Your Learning Objectives Can Be Written Better, Teacher Syeri's Blog

In this article, I am going to help you to write better learning objectives using the 5 ways below. But first of all, this article is good for all teachers who would love to recheck their learning objectives.

#1 Be specific of what you want to achieve

The most important thing is to be clear of what you want. You cannot be expecting your invigilator or even your students to understand your mission for the day, if you yourselves are shaky whether the lesson is going to succeed or not. However, new teachers need not to worry to much of this mistake because when you are new, the only way to know whether your lesson works as you pre-planned or not is to work it out.

#2 Measurable

Make sure you know to what point do the students need to complete their task before you call it successful. For example, if you give your students a worksheet of 10 questions, how many questions do they need to get right to qualify them as a group of students who have understood what you have taught them.

In other words, how your learning objectives can be written better is when you set your target in it. As another example, do write students should be able to answer 5 out 10 questions correctly in the worksheet given rather than any other vague ways.

#3 Achievable

Of course, the main important thing is to make the learning achievable. Otherwise, you seriously may risk yourselves from making yourselves down the whole day.

#4 Realistic 

Realisticity of your lesson is determined by a few factors. As such, they are time, students background knowledge and can even go up to your teaching aids and class setting. So, be careful when writing your learning objectives. Know how you can do it within the class setting given to you.

# 5 Workable within the period given 

Unless you chunk your activities into a few classes, no one lesson can be considered successful if they are too long exceeding the class period. As simple as that.

Now that you have learned all the 5 Ways How Your Learning Objectives Can Be Written Better, I hope you get some ideas how your lessons can be improved now. Feel free to share your feedback once you have looked into all the 5 criteria shared here.

Just like any other blog posts, if you find this one beneficial, please kindly share this article to as many teachers in need as you can think of. Till next time, see you!

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