18 in the 18

It’s 2018, they say in a hype way. Sounding so cool does not make you always cool especially when age is catching up and you got a lot more serious matters to ponder upon. I, for one, decided to look into this special year with a great difference in perspective after what happened at the end of 2017. Here’s my 18 in the 18.

1) The pillars of Islam is nothing but truth. Wearing sneakers in an abaya, however, is fashionable and okay ( I just discovered)

2) Living with or without the social media rush is a choice

3) If you leave the world, the world leaves you – but you are not dead yet

4) Health is wealth – this is the only time you have to work hard for health goes away without a notice

5) Comfort zone does not last long, so it is okay to go on an adventure

6) Marriage is a great treasure

7) Children are pure

8) Spare some kindness for yourselves and those who harm you. Humanity is intelligence

9) Silaturrahim is another great treasure after marriage

10) Reading is still my passion and doing it regularly gets harder each year

11) Any kinds of relationship with humans actually does not need social media parade

12) Reading out of your shelter is a great feeling

13) Coffee and book are still my great best friends

14) Shopping still does not get into my list of priority

15) Grocery shopping online, Uber Eats and any forms of delivery services are in!

16) It’s okay to sleep less to wake up for something you love doing

17) Talking less is a great thing to do

18) Living for more years to come is not what I look for. Living for the moment is.

What’s your 18 in the 18? Share with me.

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