8 Aktiviti Pra-Penulisan Untuk Ibu Bapa

Best : 8 Aktiviti Pra-Penulisan Untuk Ibu Bapa

Artikel ini membincangkan 8 Aktiviti Pra-Penulisan Untuk Ibu Bapa yang boleh dilakukan di rumah tanpa kos yang tinggi serta menggunakan alat-alatan yang terdapat di sekeliling rumah kita.

Apa Perlu Saya Lakukan Sebelum Melatih Anak Saya dengan Kerja-kerja di Dalam Rumah?

Ramai ibu bapa yang sebenarnya suka anak kecil mereka didedahkan dengan kerja-kerja di dalam rumah pada usia muda, tetapi mereka mempunyai satu kerisauan. Kerisauan itu adalah rumah jadi kotor. Ya, hal ini selalu menjadi penghalang kepada ibu-ibu untuk membiarkan anak…

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How To Score In The Examination Within Short Period of Time

1 Check Time Management There is a Chinese proverb that sounds “speed is the essence of war.” Knowing this, you should be watchful on how you spend the precious possession you have after your health – time. Check how you manage…

4 Ways To Avoid Boredom While Revising For Examination

4 Ways To Avoid Boredom While Revising For Examination

Studying is not always the most fascinating task within your day, but it is an essential one. Even though it is mandatory, everyone has gotten fed up at one time or another while studying. Although this is a common problem,…

6 Ways How Music Should Help You Study Better

6 Ways How Music Should Help You Study Better ( I love Coldplay)

Music that is soothing and relaxing can reprieve students to beat stress or anxiety while studying. Background music can advance focus on a task by providing enthusiasm and improving mood. Here read 6 ways how music should help you study better: 1 Music releases the feel good  chemicals from your…

Diskaun rm100 kels teacher syeri

Diskaun RM100 untuk Private Class Teacher Syeri

Artikel ini mengajak ibu bapa untuk mendapatkan diskaun RM100 apabila mereka mendaftarkan anak mereka ke private class Teacher Syeri

Tuition flyers 2020

Daftar Sekarang: Kelas Teacher Syeri Kini Dibuka

Artikel ini menerangkan mengenai private class Teacher Syeri bagi tahun 2020.

4M Tips If You Are Students Striving For Better Results

4M Tips If You Are Students Striving For Better Results

This articles shares 4 tips that any student can put in their daily practise.

Criteria To Look Into When Choosing A Tuition Center For Your Kids

Criteria To Look Into When Choosing A Tuition Center For Your Kids

As a parents it is important that you identify how to find the right tuition center to help your children’s learning. Here are the 5 basic Criteria To Look Into When Choosing A Tuition Center For Your Kids: 1 Location …

pendidikan khas - WOUII photo

4 Cara Pembelajaran Menarik Di Sekolah Pendidikan Khas Yang Ramai Orang Tak Tahu

Topik 4 Cara Pembelajaran Menarik Di Sekolah Pendidikan Khas Yang Ramai Orang Tak Tahu ini bukanlah hasil penulisan saya sendiri. Walaupun saya pernah mengajar pelajar berkeperluan khas (special need students), saya bukanlah guru yang bertauliah di dalam bidang ini. Saya…

7 Types of Intelligences – Mathematical-Intelligence Activities for kids

7 Types of Intelligences series have not been discussed in my entries for quite sometimes and I decided that we look into it again. This time, it’s mathematical intelligence. As the name suggests, we are going to discuss 3 activities…

Exam Mode ON: 3 Tip Motivasi Untuk Anak Anda

Setiap tahun pada waktu ini adalah waktu paling stress anak-anak terutamanya mereka yang bakal menghadapi peperiksaan-peperiksaan besar seperti UPSR, PT3 & SPM. Bila exam mode on, pasti ibu bapa juga terkesan dengan kadar stress anak-anak. Kesianpun ada, risau apatah lagi.…

The Holy Al-Quran (and Smash Hits)

I was lucky by the age of 13, I managed to complete reading the Quran (khatam) despite all difficulties to identify each alphabet, the sound projection and what not. I remember doing it because in 1998, we were about to…

Learning How To Learn – Picking One From The 7 Types of Intelligences (Kinaesthetic Intelligence)

Dear parents, In case you are seeing one of your children highly active in sports or dancing activities rather than the rest of the entire family, be happy that this child is actually high with kinesthethic intelligence. Children with kinesthetic…